Days fly by but my cycle is creeping.
I've been preparing my body for my FET.
My transfer is scheduled for Sept. 22nd., the day before my birthday.
The cocktail this time is potent.
Recipe for Uterus Deluxe
2 Estrace tablets vaginally, 3 times a day
2 Estrogen patches every three days
.3 mg estradiol Valerate injection every three days
5 units of lupron once a day
Now stimming for a fresh cycle is difficult with all the hormones and injections, but all this estrogen is making me a nut case!!!!
My insides are cramping and my emotions are all over the place.
If this doesn't give me a good uterine lining I will lose it.
I will really lose it!
My estrogen overload has me in a bit of a daze and I'm struggling to keep my emotions in check.
Today I was at my "Dr. Feelgood's" office for a quick followup.
He shares his offices with two therapists and on Thursdays the small waiting room can be a bit cramped.
I was waiting in line to talk to the receptionist.
The desk is very close to the door and if you are the second person in line, you will get hit if it opens.
So, I try to stand where I can glance over my shoulder from time to time just to be safe.
I wasn't aware that the guy in the seat closest to the door thought I was giving him the eye.
Took a seat and the guy is staring at me.
"Okay", I think to myself, "we all have our problems maybe that's his".
It was then that I realized that "OOPS! Dude thinks I was checking him out."
"just ignore him, you'll be out of here soon."
Another patient in the waiting room arrived for her first appointment with a entourage.
She had two guys with her that had no idea how to behave in a waiting room full of people seeking emotional help.
And for her, you didn't need a doctor to tell you, she had a serious attitude problem.
The two guys were " checking out" each woman and making comments out loud.
Took a deep breath.
Then they attacked the candy canister by the magazine stand.
One of the guys took the container to his seat and the three of them emptied the candy into their pockets.
One of them said, "offices like this can afford more candy"
I could feel my and everyone else's anxiety level rising.
We were feeding off each other's uneasiness about the situation.
Not good.
When my time finally came around to see the doctor, he couldn't find my chart!
I've seen this doctor on and off for a few years and a lot since my miscarriage in January.
My chart was missing!
After five minutes of the staff tearing the place apart to find my file, it was located filed under my first name. Spent the majority of my 5 minute followup telling the doctor how his new patient was disrupting the waiting room.
As I paid my co-pay and got ready to leave, dude at the door was ogling me again.
As I turned to leave, he was all smiles.
"You have a good weekend, and I wish you the best of luck." he says.
Thank you.
I got out of that office as fast as I could!
I'm not leaving the house again today.
With all the hormones and my mother's health I haven't begun to worry about this new cycle.
Haven't even thought about what might be next if this cycle fails.
Gonna have one last glass of wine this evening and try to take it easy.
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