Well, I went to my monthly Ob appointment yesterday.
Husband took off the day to go with me.
We were excited because we assumed that we would be having an ultrasound and based on many women on the blogs, we thought we would be finding out the genders.
First I have to let you know that Husband hates hates hates waiting to long in the waiting room for doctor appointments.
We waited almost 40 minutes to be seen by the doctor.
Once in the examination room, the nurse told us that we would not be having an ultrasound.
Husband became the biggest azzhole brat I had ever seen.
Between checking work emails he threw a tantrum!
"You told me that we would see the genders today! didn't you call before to verify? what am I going to tell the people at work? why are we here? why are we waiting again for the Doctor? If he's not in here in 20 minutes, we are leaving!"
Man, I swore that my blood pressure was shooting through the roof!
Turns out that my insurance will only allow/pay for ultrasounds if there is a medical need at that point.
Also, the equipment at the OB's office was not powerful enough to determine gender.
Anatomy scans and gender scan are done across the street at the hospital.
The doctor gave us a referral to have the anatomy scan 3 weeks from now at the diagnostic center.
I was so bummed out!!!
but...I did get to hear the heartbeats!
I'm such a nervous wreck that I questioned whether or not I was hearing the same baby's heartbeat.
Still not satisfied that I heard both.
I really want a Doppler of my own.
Took husband to our family doctor for a checkup.
After talking with the doctor, I decided that she would be our pediatrician once the twins are here.
She's a pretty sharp lady and I really dig her.
She was the only doctors that found my vitamin deficiency while I was TTC.
The supplements she suggested really helped my lining for the FET.
After I got home, I search the Internet for an "ultrasound boutique" or elective ultrasound facility.
Found one!
The price seems right!
I could get one today if I wanted to.
They have late evening and weekend hours too.
Now I'm stuck!
I really want to do it but, should I?
For $59, I can get the 15 week gender peek.
If the babies aren't cooperating I can come back until we get a determination.
I really want to do this but my mother in law is afraid of what ultrasounds do to the babies and my mother says,"just wait"
But here's the thing
We may not get a gender determination at the next ultrasound 3 weeks from now.
I think it may help me come to terms that this pregnancy is real.
What would you do?
I would wait! 15 weeks is a little early. I know it seems like a long time, but 3 weeks will be over before you know it. And if for some reason they can't find out the gender at that time (because the babies may be hiding their parts), then you can do the other ultrasound. Save the money now, then if you need to, you can do it later.
Sorry your DH was being an assicle. I can understand his disapointment, but its not your fault..I certainly hope he has apologised to you.
I hear you on the temptation to book in and see them early..its possible you won't see much..but then again, you will see the babes..what does your dh think?? i guess if he wants to, then go for it..if he thinks wait, then spend the $59 on some baby clothes and wait the 3 weeks!
Can you feel them yet?? so exciting!
Booked the appt for Sunday morning. Now I'm having second thoughts. Its kinda sad that I'm still trying to convince myself that I am pregnant. I think I feel them at times. I think the dog feels them or senses them more. She likes to lie on my lap and press against my belly.
If seeing them now is gonna give you some peace then do it!
I'd make an appointment.
That said, I don't believe the line about the machine. My OB could tell this round are both girls at 14 weeks with the old portable ultrasound they use to check heartbeats! She had us wait for the perinatologist at 16 to confirm it, but I'm betting they could tell.
I've been told that Doppler is actually more potentially risky than ultrasound. I will have ultrasound 10 on Monday at 17 weeks and last time they did NSTs at least once every single day for over a month and a half, so I'm hoping ultrasounds aren't an issue ;-).
The deal on my insurance is they only include the standard amount of ultrasounds in the "global" package and I have to pay a $20 copay on the extras. But as I anticipate reaching my out of pocket, I don't worry about it at all. Interestingly, they deem all perinatologist scans necessary in seems.
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