Popping in again.
Had my level 2 anatomy scan and the babies looked great.
It was a long procedure.
I'm still fighting a cold and the u/s tech had a hard time taking pics and measurements.
It was almost torture trying to breath without moving my belly too much.
I was breathing so shallow, at one point I thought I would faint.
Babies are thriving and everything was where it was supposed to be.
However, according to this tech baby A is the boy and baby B is a girl.
For minute there we thought our little girl was now a boy. Whew!
Tomorrow we will be going to a huge consignment sale.
It just get realer every day but I still can't wrap my mind around it.
Glad to hear your little ones are doing great!
(GreekMythFreak from TWW here)
That's great Babette! SO glad everything is looking good! I hated the anatomy scans in the end cuz I could barely breathe and had to take breaks from being faint constantly. Hang in there!
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