Friday, June 22, 2012

So busy, Too tired

There is so much that I would like to share with you but I've been too too busy and now getting too too tired easily.

I am 32 weeks and the twins look great. They are doing well despite how stressed I have been. I really need some rest and soon.
Belly is measuring bigger than 40 weeks and I am hoping to squeeze in a maternity photo shoot before they make their arrival.
My nursery is not set up yet and I no longer have the energy to do it.
Painted the upstairs office so Husband could move the junk out of the nursery.
I think I overdid it.
I had my baby shower last Sunday and it was a pretty sad turn out. ( it had been cancelled and the date moved due to the funeral, but my heart was still broken. Hey I waited a long time for a child, and I really looked forward to the shower after all the grief of the past few weeks)

I'll hopefully be back soon to share more with you about all the drama, but I had a bit of a breakthrough this morning.

I'll share what I posted on facebook today.
During my mother's battle with cancer, there was a doctor that bent the rules and did whatever he could to prolong he life and keep her comfortable. He was always willing to take our calls at any time and push through referrals to get prodedures done that probaly would have been denied due to her being in hospice. He wasn't even her primary doctor. I just wrote him a thank you note and am on the way to his office. Now after all the stupid shit certain family members attempted to put me through, the anger is finally waning and I feel like I might finally be able to grieve.


Just T said...

You have so much emotions going on right now. I know how it feels to lose a parent and I am so sorry for everything you are going through.

32 weeks and babies doing well, that is a huge milestone!

Emily @ablanket2keep said...

Being able to finally grieve is a big thing. I am so happy you are there and hopefully it will bring some peace. Relax and take care of you.