Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just Popping In

I'm sorry I haven't stopped in to update.
After my last blog,my close friend lost her mother.
I knew before I played the message on my phone and stared at the icon on my phone for five minutes before pressing it.
After her arrival in Chicago, the drama began.
Despite all the family conflicts, her mother was put to rest in a beautiful ceremony.
The following week my sister's best friend in another state passed away.
She spent the week leading up to the funeral with a bottle of wine evey night.

With so much happening, I guess I didn't have time to obsess and worry about my babies.
I havent googled miscarriage or stillbirth in weeks.
I did google Braxton hicks contractions until my wellness nurse told me that I was feeling the babies move.
Husband and I attended a class at the hospital, Marvelous Multiples.
Learned a little
Husband learned a lot
My appetite is slowly returning however I have a terrible cold and it is kicking my butt.
I didn't get any sleep last night nothing safe to take is helping me.

Tomorrow is my level II ultrasound
I am terrified!
Why can't I ever go into these appointments confidently?
I'll update you tomorrow.


1 comment:

Emily @ablanket2keep said...

So sorry to hear about your friend's family. Hope you feel better soon.