Thursday, August 18, 2011

Please keep us in your thoughts/ UPDATE

My mom's CT scan from yesterday showed an obstruction in her bowel.
We had to take her to the hospital this afternoon.
She will be having surgery tomorrow.
Please keep us in your thoughts.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Just thought I would leave a quick update.

Surgery wasn't done today. Instead tomorrow the stint in her liver will be replaced again. the backup in her liver caused the inflamation and blockage in he lower bowel. With her type of cancer, this stint is the only way to prevent the backup. Unfortunately the last stint was put there a month ago and it was supposed to last for 4 months. the Dr. is great and seems to be doing whatever he can to help. It's too crazy. I'm on a first name basis with to many doctors.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Kim said...

How is your mom doing sweetie!?! Thinking ANC praying for her, and you. Hope all is well, xoxoxoxox